Bobby Bones

These Are The Bad Habits We Need To Break

Members of the Bobby Bones Show answered the bad habit they need to break. Find out their answers below: Bobby Bones – Biting his nails. He also asked his wife, and she said not rinsing his plates, leaving his beard

Lunchbox Claims Abby Is Lazy for Not Playing Guitar

Abby is opening at Bobby Bones’ Comedically Inspirational shows this weekend in Wichita, Kansas and Lunchbox thinks she is lazy for not knowing how to play the guitar. His reason was because in the last two years, Bones has given her multiple opportunities

Amy Started Taking Improv Class

After making her acting debut in the Max film Holiday Harmony, Amy took her first improv class! She’s never done it before, and the first class was three hours long. She will have one class a week for the next

Bobby Bones Show Shares Fun Facts

The Bobby Bones Show shared some fun facts you may not know! Find them out below: Bobby Bones – Twix stands for Twin Sticks. Birds don’t live in their nests, it’s just a place for their eggs. They sleep