
Feel Good News 7/30/15

An eight-year-old from Baltimore named Zion Harvey developed a bad infection when he was two, and had to have both of his hands AND feet amputated. But now he’s the first kid in the world to get

Feel Good News 7/29/15

A mailman named Ron Lynch was in the middle of his route near Salt Lake City recently, when a 12-year-old named Matthew Flores asked if there was any extra JUNK MAIL he could have. It turned out

Feel Good News 7/28/15

According to a study from the State University of New York in Buffalo, drunk couples are HAPPIER. A professor of health behavior named Dr. Gregory Homish led the research . . . he’s been studying the behavior

Feel Good News 7/27/15

There’s a tenth grader in England named Maddy Cruxton who’s been battling cancer since she was three. It’s gone into remission multiple times, mostly affected her kidneys, and might be terminal now. And none of that is