
What our Dad’s Taught Us

In honor of Father’s Day, take a moment to reflect on everything your dad taught you.  And if you’re drawing a blank, here’s a cheat sheet. A new survey asked people what skills or life lessons they

Proof: Disney Recycles a Lot of Animation

Apparently Disney likes to reuse some of their animation sequences from older material, and use it in later films. They take old sequences and draw over them so it’s basically different characters doing the same thing.  For

5 Exercises You Should Stop Doing

According to a personal trainer, here are five exercises you should stop doing because you’ll just end up hurting yourself: 1.  Don’t use the leg curl machine.  It puts too much pressure on your knees, and can

McDonald’s New Hamburglar

McDonald’s new Hamburglar just got his first commercial. So far, not impressed. Bring back the classic character…     McD’s is after me (apparently, so is my wife)! Tweet #RobbleRobble to keep them off my trail. https://t.co/JBVThrmHir