Bobby Is Mind Blown That No One On The Show Knew Math Time Tables

Bobby Bones was talking to Amy about her kids’ new school. Amy mentioned that her son’s math homework is really hard, and she finds that often she can’t help him. Bones said that math time tables help with all basic math equations and when he began quizzing Amy on the tables, she couldn’t answer some of the questions.

This exchange caused Bones to ask the other Bobby Bones Show members if they knew all the math time tables. While everyone remembered some, no one on the show remembered every time table like Bones. He was totally mind blown that not everyone knew the math time tables the way he did. He thought knowing the tables was pretty basic for anyone who took math classes. Listeners of the show chimed in via social media and text messaging to say that Bones wasn’t the only one and he wasn’t in the minority, but still Amy, Lunchbox, Eddie, and Morgan2 all stood their ground saying most people don’t know all of the math time tables.