Bobby, Amy, & Lunchbox Reveal Things You Should Know About Them

The Bobby Bones Show did a segment that was asking Bobby BonesAmy, and Lunchbox some personal questions to find out more in their personal lives. The questions were fill in the blank about traveling, dating, and living; If you travel with me, you should know… If you live with me, you should know… If you go out with me, you should know…

For Bobby Bones, his answers:

  • If you travel with me, you should know… I have to sit next to the window and I don’t ever check a bag.
  • If you live with me, you should know… All the cabinets and drawers have to be closed all the time. Sheets have to be changed every day or every other day. I take up a lot of closet space.
  • If you go out with me, you should know… We’re going to get there early. I always ask for the check during dinner so we can leave immediately after finishing.

For Amy, her answers:

  • If you travel with me, you should know… I will be there late or right on time.
  • If you live with me, you should know… I’m clean, but sometimes I make a mess and I will eventually clean it up.
  • If you go out with me, you should know… I like to order last so I can see what everyone else gets.

For Lunchbox, his answers:

  • If you travel with me, you should know… I fall asleep immediately.
  • If you live with me, you should know… I’m just very messy. Messy, messy, messy.
  • If you go out with me, you should know… I’m the life of the party. I always know how to have a good time.