Bobby Got Blasted Online For ‘Girly’ Running

Bobby Bones posts often on his social media specifically on his Instagram story. He likes to keep listeners informed on his laugh. Sometimes he posts inspirational things, sometimes they’re funny and sometimes he gets some heat for something.

His most recent Instagram Story brought about some hammering from trolls online. He posted a video running up a hill shirtless. But it wasn’t the video specifically that made people come after him, it was how he was running. He kept getting messages and comments on his feed that he ‘runs like a girl’ and ‘his run is flamboyant.’ This is all due to the fact that while running Bones kept his hands open rather then having clenched fists.

Even The Bobby Bones Show crew were judging Bones for his running moves. Watch his running style below and then head over to Bobby’s Instagram Story to vote on whether Bones should even be embarrassed about this.