Woman Gives Birth in Moving Car, While Husband Drives and Kids in Backseat

In shocking video footage, Alexis Swinney is seen kneeling on the passenger seat of a moving car while her husband Dominique drives. Her husband filmed what was about to be the birth of Alexis’ fifth child.

In the video, you hear the mother voice that he needed to pull over, while he is trying to rush her to the hospital. Shortly after there are baby cries and Alexis was holding the newborn baby in her hands.

Then Alexis’ cradles the baby into her arms, all while the child’s umbilical cord is still visibly attached, the mother smiles with relief when she hears her baby let out a wail. This all happened while some of the other children were in the back of the vehicle watching things go down themselves as well.

Alexis detailed to DailyMail,

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“I just experienced something unrivaled to anything I could have imagined,’ she said. ‘I witnessed my body take over and a baby be born into my hands”