What 24 Yr Olds Care About: It’s Not Bad To Google Your Symptoms

A new study from the Medical Journal of Australia suggests that searching our medical symptoms are actually a good thing. Internet medical research can sometimes improve patients’ relationships with doctors and empower patients to be more involved with their healthcare. 

A team of Australian researchers surveyed a sample of 400 anonymous emergency room patients to assess how their internet research influenced their interaction with their doctors. 1/3 of patients admitted that had consulted the internet about their symptoms prior to coming in. 49% of people reported that they search online for health information on a regular basis.

150 of those sampled reported better communication with doctors post-internet query. They reported being better equipped to ask questions, understand their health care provider, and communicate more effectively overall.


So in other words, google your little heart away because it can be good for you… just don’t over exaggerate if you can help it!