Lunchbox & Eddie Battled It Out For Victory Song “All I Do Is Win”

Almost every morning Amy, Lunchbox, and Eddie battle it out for various games. When one of them wins, their victory song gets played. For Amy, it’s “There She Goes,” for Lunchbox it’s All I Do Is Win,” and for Eddie, it’s his uncle’s song “Tao Tao.”

Eddie has been on a winning streak lately for games recently played. He’s won about 6 of the last few games. Because of this winning streak, Eddie thinks he deserves to have Lunchbox’s victory song “All I Do Is Win.” Despite the fact that Lunchbox has had that as his victory song for over 15 years.

This morning Lunchbox and Eddie battled it out to see who really does the song more justice. Watch below!

Tell us who you think should have the victory song for themselves over on our Facebook page!