“The Game” Series Finale Recap: Tasha Gets Her Happy Ending with 'Pow! Pow! Pow!'

BET(NEW YORK) — On the series finale of BET’s The Game, Tasha Mack finally got her happy ending. But it came at a price.

Somehow, her baby daddy Pookie shot her ex-boyfriend Rick Fox. Although Rick wanted to call an ambulance, Tasha warned him that if he did, Pookie would go to jail for life as it was his third strike. Thanks to his love for Tasha, Rick didn’t call an ambulance and instead had Chardonnay — who had randomly popped into Tasha’s apartment — drive him.

Later that night, Pookie told Tasha he wanted to give family life a chance. Months later, we see Tasha, Pookie and the baby move from her apartment to a big, beautiful house. Then Tasha pulled out a welcome mat that read: “Pow! Pow! Pow!”

Could The Game creators be hinting at a spin-off? There could be a chance. The Game itself was a spin-off of Mara Brock Akil’s first sit-com, Girlfriends.

But back to the series finale — “Girl Melanie” and Derwin returned to San Diego. Not only did they come see a specialist because one of their twins was underweight, but they also wanted to tell their old friends that they were expecting twins. But Melanie being Melanie worried the entire way. That’s when Derwin made her have faith that both of their babies would be okay, even after three doctors told them they’d have to terminate the smaller baby.

At the end of the episode, we learn that Melanie carries both babies to term. It was a small win for her, especially since secretly she never forgave Derwin for getting Janay pregnant while they were together, and she wanted to one-up Janay by having two babies. Once a Sunbeam, always a Sunbeam!

Meanwhile, Keara finally found out why Malik dumped her suddenly — he just wanted to use his anger so he could win the playoff game. But the damage had been done; Keara slept with Blue that night. But when Malik said they could work through that and proposed, Keara declined. She later left San Diego. And Malik went back to being his normal player self…and The Sabers went on to win the Championship with the help of head coach Jason Pitts.

Malik captured the entire series with his line toward the end of the episode ended: “Malik Wright. Best to ever do it. Out.”

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