Feel Good News 7/29/15

A mailman named Ron Lynch was in the middle of his route near Salt Lake City recently, when a 12-year-old named Matthew Flores asked if there was any extra JUNK MAIL he could have.
It turned out Matthew loves reading more than anything, but his parents couldn’t afford to buy him books, or even bus fare to the library. So the only things he had to read were old newspapers and junk mail.
Ron told him he might be able to help. That night, he went on Facebook . . . posted Matthew’s photo and address . . . and asked his friends to mail him any books they didn’t need anymore.
And since then, people from as far away as India have been sending Matthew HUNDREDS of books.
He did an interview with a local newspaper, and said he’s been “super happy” ever since the books started showing up. He also promised to read every single one of them, and then share them with other kids who might love reading as much as he does.